Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

Twelve days into the new year of 2010, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck Port of Prince Haiti. Speculations are that over two hundred thousand people had been reported as dead, over three hundred thousand people injured, and over a million people homeless. This catastrophic event marks a time when so much is going on. It serves as and highlight for many politicians political agenda, for education, and most importantly for humanity to recognize as being present in our society.
Politicians are all over this event. It was the highlight of the day, so many visited the country. The news media took every opportunity to heighten the hype for their ratings. Many countries, organizations, public and private, celebrities, schools, and the common caring people made generous contributions to the cause of helping Haiti. For days no aid would get through as the infrastructure had been destroyed and could not get to the places that needed it. Because of Bureaucracy items for the needy stayed in warehouses and did not reach
The question, how will this earthquake impact education; can be answered two ways. Students who learned about plate tectonics will now have a real life example. Now they will be able to find relevance that is often needed in the classroom. Before, they had to use models, computer simulations and videos that they could not relate to. With this they have the full effects of the ‘here and now’ and how such an event affects society in Haiti and also here in the United States. Our children often have a disconnection with things that happen in other countries or in other states. If it is not happening to them they don’t really get it. Secondly, it will add more ESOL (English for Speakers of Other languages) to the education system. The will be placed in classrooms that are ill-equipped to handle them. The students will also come with various other obstacles, being orphaned, being in a strange place, some living with people they have never seen before. Sadly a number of these children will be adopted into home that will be like jumping out of the pot and into the fire. True enough, many will be great for those children who have lost so much.
On the humanitarian perspective, many Haitian living here illegally were given a temporary stay. This means that they would be able to proper documentation to legally work in the community. This would open up many avenues for the families of Haitians, as they could get better paying Jobs, go to school. Consequently, their chance to improve themselves and their family is increased.

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