Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reflection Paper#11: Socrates impact on Western education

Socrates was a Greek philosopher who was very controversial in his thoughts and ideas. He believed that ethics and moral values were foremost in an individual’s life. Socrates believed that happiness was dependent on the virtues of that individual; nothing else matters if ‘that’ was present for ones happiness to be accomplished. Socrates educated the people of Athens in particular his noted student Plato.
Socrates believed in reincarnation; he believed that knowledge would be passed from the ones prior life to the new one. He believed that the former live could be uncover by looking into oneself to come to the truth. Socrates also believed in ones moral turpitude would be shown in their action. He believes that an evil act comes from an evil person even if others did no know of the evil done by that person.
Socrates aim in life was help people come to realize their truth in life; he would do this by asking questions of individuals this he termed the elenchus. This he used to help them to examine their lives. He would use leading questions aimed at the people examining themselves to find the truth.
The questioning format is used by teachers today to find the answers of many problems. The aim of this questioning method is to have the students come up with answer without the teacher giving it. This leads back to what the student already knows. The teacher’s goal is to bring it to the surface. It is just as Socrates did when the questioned the people of Athens in finding their truths.

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