Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflection pape#10: Teacher as Gatekeeper

The gatekeeper is the one who guides the flow of communication in the classroom where the teacher is concerned. In the classroom the teacher in the one who leads the students in the path that she wishes, that according to Philip Jackson. He believes that the teacher directs the discussion in the classroom. From his account the teacher usually speaks for two-thirds of the class time and not giving the student enough time to formulate a question or to answer a question that was asked.
Mr. Jackson report states that the teachers are the ones asking the question. This I believe is true as students today are not focused on their school work. Most students tend to have other social issue to think about; situations in their lives that distract them from what should be the focal point at that time. Girls are on the cell phone texting boyfriends and vice –versa. Other students tend to worry about the next meal, while others worry about the shelter that they are missing. Students who are almost ready to graduate tend to worry about college and how it will be paid for. Subsequently, others escape in thought, or daydream. Some simply go to sleep just not to think about their issues.
Consequently, the type of interaction that takes place in the classroom cause students to become passive learners: not asking questions, not interacting in class, and not being self reliant. Leading students to constantly dependent on teachers for directives that they could have figured out for themselves, have low achievement rates. The aim as new teachers therefore is to find positive workable ways to guide the students that will benefit them.

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