Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflection paper#4: Has belief been affected by the article Early, Human, Phylogeny, Hominids, the Story of Lucy and African Eve.

Reflection Paper#4: Has belief been affected by the article Early, Human, Phylogeny, Hominids, the Story of Lucy and African Eve.

My beliefs have not been affected or swayed by the articles “Early, Human, Phylogeny, Hominids, the Story of Lucy and African Eve”. The quite obviously provoked some thought on the topic and created some interesting conversation topics, but ultimately my beliefs remained the same. The articles spoke of man coming from hominid, Australopithecus anamensis to the homo sapiens sapien. The Australopithecus anamensis were not upright, their brains were small approximately … Eventually through the advent of tools and fire the hominids became upright as is recorded with the homo ergaster, and the homo erectus. With the brain size getting bigger more synapse forming motor ability will increase and the capability to talk is fashioned from syllables.
One could look at the articles and conclude that humans came from apes. But to me that is irrelevant to the now since that distance pass does not affect the way I think or behave. All of a sudden finding these things out about hominids did not change me as I was vaguely familiar with this theory. I said it is a theory because I don’t think the evidence are strong enough to change my beliefs. As a Christian the beginning of Genesis tells a story of man and faith. The story of Lucy and African Eve also theorized that Lucy was a chimpanzee suggesting that early humans were apes. With the African Eve scenario many scientist test the remains, specifically the mitochondrial DNA to see if they could trace the family tree to early hominids.
Scientist often try to find ways of putting themselves on the map, some do so by claiming that the discovered that they can trace humans to millions of years ago. These are theories and as I already know theories can be disproven and thus I will not let that change what I believe.

1 comment:

  1. Where is reflections 8,11,12, on your blog and turnitin need to see prof McNair
