Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflection#9: The First Schools of Sumer and Egypt and teacher effectiveness today

The article “The First Schools” and the article “Ancient Egyptian Education” touches on how ancient civilization in Sumer and Egypt conducted the schooling of their children, namely Boys. It boys who went to school were from wealthy families. Their father decided what profession they would have and educated them accordingly. Though different societies, Sumer and Egypt, their method were similar for the education of the youth. The students in the Sumer society learned Mathematical, Botanical, Zoological, and geographical areas. The students from ancient Egypt practice the trade that their father had decided on previously.
The students from both cultures practice everyday from early in the morning, the teacher would oversea their progress. If the work was not being done properly, if the students were being lazy, sleepy or talking during the lesson they would be beaten with the rod. Both catered only to the wealthy, the poor did not have the opportunity. In Egypt however, What ever the profession or trade the father was, the son would be taught his father’s trade. The child would spend hour working alongside the father in an apprenticeship position.
When comparing to ancient Egypt and Sumer educational system and first schools to the effectiveness of teachers today, my thoughts are teachers today are less effective. Students have all the power; they get away with many things. The cheat, are lazy, sleep in class and turn in mediocre work. Due to the fact that, teachers lost a lot of power in the classroom; they are unable to control the goings on. Whether due to bureaucracy or politics, teachers are not supported on discipline issues in classrooms. Students have no consequences that they fear. In the ancient culture they were fearsome of the punishment dealt for disciplinary issues and teachers were supported by the fathers that sent them to the school.

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